Let's Evaluate!

Can I tell you what the number one cause of consistent bad behaviors is?

Whether it’s your toddler’s perpetual hitting or your tween’s huge tantrums or your teen’s utter defiance... the underlying reason is always the same.

In fact, this applies to yourself too. And...

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Growing Out of the Moulds

I’m not a very organized person. When I have a parent ask me how to set a routine for their child, my first instinct is to break out in a sweat. I hate the r-word (though no doubt children thrive on routine).

I’m also not extremely efficient. I do better under pressure. When...

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Learning Online

Answer to all questions regarding online learning for kids 8 and under.

It’s a developmentally grossly inappropriate expectation.

If a child is happy to sit there for 39 minutes... accept that and let it go.

If a child isn’t happy at all, remove them from the program.

If you can...

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Celebrating Mistakes

I’ve been trying to figure out how to say something and then my lady BB (Brene Brown) comes up with the best way to say it in her new podcast Daring Leadership.

The concept I wanted to explain was that of not only becoming the kind of parents who ACCEPT our children’s mistakes but...

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Watch Out "The Synapses"!

Let's say you and your family including your 2-year-old and 5-year-old are all sitting and eating dinner one night.

Suddenly, you smell something burning.

The next thing you know, big puffs of smoke are coming out from one of the bedrooms.

You scream fire! fire! And ask your spouse to grab the...

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Division Of Responsibility

The best answer to kids’ eating issues has been DOR for our family and many I know!

Some things to remember with DOR

1- If you’ve never done this, your child might go through a “strike” period where they won’t eat anything because their body has forgotten that it...

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Respectful Parenting Or Weird Parenting?

Lots of you have shared stories about feeling judged for parenting respectfully.

A frequent question on the group is- how do we handle the judgements from the other adults when we try to parent respectfully. (I usually direct this question to a post I wrote about it.. link below).

But today I...

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Stepping in the Process of Change

No matter what we're trying to accomplish... whether its becoming a respectful parent or become a better Muslim or be healthier or improve our marriage... we're going to have to do something we've never done before.

This might mean starting with naming our emotions every time we're dysregulated...

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"The Imperfect *Me*"

Sometimes it gets lost in all the literature that I’m very very far from being a “perfect parent”. I mean, sure... no one is perfect and all that but I feel like it’s important to say that I’m just like all of you.

Always learning, stumbling, falling, getting up...

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Best Or The Worst Mom Ever?

Story time! Part 1:

So I’m either the best mom ever or the worst mom ever because I basically don’t care about my kids’ academics! Whaaaaa!! Hold your horses, people and let me explain! First of all, what that means is, that I don’t force or push anything on them at these...

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