I’ve been trying to figure out how to say something and then my lady BB (Brene Brown) comes up with the best way to say it in her new podcast Daring Leadership.
The concept I wanted to explain was that of not only becoming the kind of parents who ACCEPT our children’s mistakes but...
Lots of you have shared stories about feeling judged for parenting respectfully.
A frequent question on the group is- how do we handle the judgements from the other adults when we try to parent respectfully. (I usually direct this question to a post I wrote about it.. link below).
But today I...
The opposite of selfless is not selfish- its deselfing. That is, to completely and entirely abolish your own needs, wants and desires in fear of disapproval and rejection from others.
Harriet Learner describes the concept of deselfing in her book, The Anger Dance and I think its absolutely genius...
“Respectful parenting” is a very specific term.
The truest definition for it would be to say that it’s about respecting the child’s brain development and respecting their autonomy.
It’s really not so much about being “polite”.
I mean it’s nice to be...
What kids are NOT:
1- Something to mould.
2- Something to polish.
3- Something to be fixed
4- Our possessions.
5- Our vehicles to prove something to the world
6- Our projects
7- Our trophies/pride/honor
8- An extension of ourselves
9- A part of ourselves
10- Simple creatures to be programmed with...